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placas solares marfrio

We reduce our C02 emissions by investing in solar energy

placas solares marfrio

We reduce our C02 emissions by investing in solar energy

After the investment in solar panels carried out in Pralisa, our headquarters in Vilanova de Cerveira, Portugal. It is the turn of Marfrio, our main headquarters, located in the Fishing Port of Marín, Spain.

And it is that this year we have approved a project for the installation of photovoltaic panels that will allow us to guarantee that at least 15% of our electricity consumption is totally supplied by solar energy.

An investment thanks to which we will stop emitting 212,780 Kg of CO2 per year.

And what does this amount to?

Well, it is as if we eliminated the emissions of a year of 149 diesel cars.

Or as if we planted 97 oaks, 48 cork oaks and 8 pines a year. (No, not all trees emit the same amount of Oxygen).

This installation will take place during the first quarter of 2022

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