Nuestras marcas

La misma calidad con diferente imagen.

Productos pralisa, anillas glaseadas a la romana y preparado para risotto


Another image same quality

In our factory in Portugal we manufacture and package Pralisa brand products.


Our preformed

Under the Marevita brand, we offer different breaded and battered products.

Squid fillets and nuggets, hake slices or sea whims are an ideal solution when it comes to homogenizing the portions.

Marfrio Peru

Giant squid, octopus and mahi mahi

Under this brand and we commercialize the products caught in the Pacific Ocean, specifically in FAO 87.

Products that we process directly at our Paita plants.

The Peruvian giant squid is our star bet. From it we obtain: rings, buttons, mantle, fillets, strips and slides.

It is also the basis of many of the products we have at Marfrio Spain.

Marfrio Namibia

South African hake

After Marfrio Namibia, you will find South African Hake. Fished and deep-frozen on board in the southeastern sector of the Atlantic Ocean (FAO 47).

In these boxes of 2 and 5 kg you will find: loins, bellyflaps, centers and fillets of hake of the best quality.