Here our natural sea products.
All the flavor of the sea with the convenience of frozen.

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Patagonian squid WR

Patagonian squid slides

Clean patagonian Squid T+T

Squid whole

Squid Rings

Squid tubes

Squid tentacles and wings

poton peruano, calamar gigante, giant squid, lula gigante

Giant squid stripes

Giant squid slices

Giant squid fillets

Giant squid mantle

Giant squid rings

Giant squid buttons

Giant squid tentacles

Giant squid wings

merluza, hake, merluzzo, pescada, merlu, Merluccius capensis / paradoxus

Cape hake sausaje slice

Hake bellyflaps

Cape hake HG

Cape hake fillet skin on

Cape hake fillet skinless

Cape hake steaks

Cape hake loins skin on

Cape hake center skin on

túnidos y escualos, tuna and sharks, tonni and squali, atuns e tubaroes, thonides e requins

Sworfish loins

Sworfish steaks

Mako shark steaks

Blue shark steaks

Tuna loin

Tuna steaks

Tuna portion

Rodaja de tintorera

Otros pescados de Marfrio

Halibut fillet

Cod loins

Salmon steaks

Salmon fillet portion

Mariscos marfrio

Argentinian red shrimps

Preecoked mussels meat

Seafood mix