Javier y Pedro Otaegui, de Pesquera Echalar, junto con Santiago Montejo, gerente del grupo Marfrio.

Marfrio group shareholder change

Javier y Pedro Otaegui, de Pesquera Echalar, junto con Santiago Montejo, gerente del grupo Marfrio.

Marfrio group shareholder change

On 28 December 2016, the groups Copemar and fisheries Echalar have ended their business collaboration in marfrio will be through the acquisition by Pesquera Echalar of Copemar in Marfrio shareholder package.

Both groups continue working together on other projects. Copemar and fisheries Echalar ended thus a close partnership that has led to Marfrio to its current leadership position in the market.

Marfrio will be thus begins a new and exciting stage.

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