Rabas empanadas con ensalada y patatas

Breaded giant squid strips

Rabas empanadas con ensalada y patatas

Breaded giant squid strips

Servings: adaptable

Time: 10 minuts

Level: beginner


  • A bag of Marfrio breaded squid strips
  • Sauce to taste
  • Potatoes for frying
  • Salad and dressing to taste


For the breaded giant squid strips

Without defrosting, fry in plenty of oil for 5 -7 minutes.

Drain the excess oil and set aside while we prepare the rest of the dish.

They can also be made in the oven: preheat it to 180º in fan mode and cook for 15 minutes.

For the side dish

Plate the salad with the cut cherry blossoms and season to taste.

Put the giant squid strips on top and accompany with sauce or potatoes to taste.

Don’t forget to enjoy!

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