Descarga de atún en Marfrio SA. Buque Izar Argia

Arrival of the ship Izar Argia to Marfrio S.A.

Descarga de atún en Marfrio SA. Buque Izar Argia

Arrival of the ship Izar Argia to Marfrio S.A.

From today until mid-December, 2,600 tons of tuna from the Indian Ocean will be unloaded at the Marfrío facilities.

Descargando atún del buque Izar Argia en el Puerto de Marín

This is the result of an agreement between Marfrío and Atunlo, the former offering its port facilities adapted for this traffic and the latter offering its experience in the sector.

You can see the full news at: La Voz de Galicia, Industrias Pesqueras and at Faro de Vigo.

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